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Like many other social networks, there are so many fake profiles is registered with Facebook. Facebook has more than five hundred million users and it is natural to have few thousands fake profiles. If you are a Facebook user, then you should be alert and look out for the following red flags when you get a friend request from people with potentially fake profiles.
Below I mentioned some tips to identify whether a facebook profile is fake or not.
  1. Profile picture : Look the photos in the profile. If there is only one photo in the whole profile then it is clear that the account is fake.
  2. Check friends list: Make a practice of viewing his/her friends list regularly, if you observe that maximum of his/her friends are of the opposite sex, then it can be assumed that the profile is fake.
  3. Facebook Albums : Most of the fake profiles photos are open to everyone. Well, not a promising tip, but worth it. It may contain a lot of pictures but they would not have tags indicating other profiles. They may also contain really tiny photos.
  4. Requests from Celebrities : If you receive a friend request from a star, politician or any well known personality, they must be fake approach for you. So it is a fake profile.
  5. Comments on Profile : You can easily judge the fake profile by giving natural comment.
    For instance,
    • Male : you are so Pretty
    • Female : No Reply About this comment
    • Male : Beautiful Makeup
    • Female : No Reply About this comment
    Then you have to use your common sense about their profile and must be careful. Simply remove those fake profiles from your list.
    Advertising Nature Internet marketers mostly use this tactic as a way to drive traffic to their websites. So you must be careful and you might find their timeline filled with statuses promoting products online.
  6. Chatting : If you are trying to chat with your friend but he didn’t give any reply. Might be that your friend is busy but after some time you are again trying to chat with him and again he didn’t respond a single one word then it is confirmed that the profile is fake.
    It is recommended to remove those useless friends from your list.
  7. When Did They Joined facebook? : Check when she/he joined facebook. If they have lots of friends and have only been on the Facebook a short amount of time, it’s likely to be a fake profile.
  8. Apps Requests : If he/she is in your friend list, then you will get lots of application or like requests from them. I got many requests like that, some include “Can you send me an iheart ?”, “Can you send a love cake?”.. LOL.
  9. Male Users : Normally girls don’t send requests to strangers. In case you get a friend request from any opposite gender then first you confirm the details then add the contact in your profile list. Maybe it would be fake profile. So don’t be happy , only be conscious.
  10. Female Users : Some boys are usually in a habit of sending requests to females or girls.
    The same practice of female users that you should first confirm the account then add it to your list. There is another way to check whether the account is fake or not, that if you’re being normal looking girl and you got a friend request from a very handsome looking guy. Then there should be an element of doubt.
It is your good practice to first verify any strange friend requests. You may check it first before adding them.
If any fake profile irritating you then you can report It to Facebook and fill the appropriate form.

Thank's for read my article HOW TO KNOW FAKE USERS IN FACEBOOK
Created at 2013-04-28 10:52:18
Tags: facebook , tutorial

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