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New Xt Filelist With File Descriptions.

folders used in this code are

In the script the files folder is relative to the root directory the descriptions folder is relative to the current directory The description files must have the same name as the download file WITHOUT an extension
The descriptions can be html and built with the building tool or plain text.
If the description is a html page Only the content between the body tags (including the container) is used the rest is ignored.
Any html, javascript, most xt functions and xt widgets can be used in the description.
Some functions and widgets may not work correctly due to parsing order. So experiment to see what will work for you You cannot use php or xtscript in the descriptions.


Code By Mr Graham

Thank's for read my article New Xt Filelist With File Descriptions.
Created at 2013-08-04 14:49:35
Tags: tutorial , Wapmaster , xtgem
Xt Filelist V2.0

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