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Category : Love | Inspirational | Funny | Daily Quotes

What Nonsense! This has got to stop!

When CL0SE-UP does an advert, they will show you someone's teeth and how to brush properly.

When GILETTE Does an advert, they will show you someone's beards, armpit and they will show you how well the shaving stick works.

When DETTOL does an advert, they will show you someone taking his or her bath in the bathroom with the soap


But what the hell is wrong with ALWAYS ULTRA Sanitary PAD? When they are doing their advert, they will never show us anything!
All we see is a girl rolling on her bed or
secondary school girls singing on the field...
How does that show us what the pad is used for?

Thank's for read my article What Nonsense! This has got to stop!
Created at 2013-12-01 10:52:03
Tags: Funny , Girls , Sms

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Category : Love | Inspirational | Funny | Daily Quotes

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